Dance Program Auditions 

Dance program students in performance


In order to become a Dance Major, please read carefully:

**For New Students to Cal State Fullerton

Steps to Take:

STEP 1: Complete a CSU ApplicationOpens in new window
Once you complete a CSU application, you will have a campus email and Campus Wide ID number (CWID).  You would apply as Pre-Dance (This will change to Dance after successful completion of dance audition and your acceptance of admission to CSUF.
STEP 2: With these credentials you will be able to access the CSUF Student Portal. Go to the hyperlink that follows to complete the Supplemental Dance Application and select a date for your audition.

Dance Major Audition Dates for Fall 2025 Admission:
·       Audition #1: February 8 @10:00AM
·       Audition #2 February 8, @2:00PM 
·       Audition #3 February 22 @10AM 

STEP 3: Attend an in-person audition at CSUF. The faculty highly recommends in-person auditions; if for some reason you are unable to attend a live audition you can submit a video audition. Please see **Out-of-state applicant section for more details on video submission.

STEP4: Two weeks after the audition cycle ends, you will receive notice from the Department of Theatre and Dance of your audition results (Pass or No Pass). The Dance Program will send its recommendation to the CSUF Office of Admissions with students audition results -“Pass” or “No Pass.” 

STEP 5: If you “PASS” the audition, and meet all CSUF admission requirements, the University will send you an official notice of acceptance. In that correspondence, you will receive instructions on how to accept admission to CSUF. 

STEP 6: If you did “NOT PASS” the audition, you will not be recommended for admission to the B.A. in Dance; but your application will default to the alternate major selected when applying to CSUF. The University will evaluate whether you meet the admission criteria for that alternate major and will send you notice if you are accepted to CSUF.

IMPORTANT: University communications will be sent to your campus email and that is the university’s only method used. The University will be contacting you through your portal and campus email, so please check regularly.

Information on Checking your Application Status Opens in new window

IMPORTANT- Please note that once accepted by the university you will have to ACCEPT your admission to the university by their deadlineOpens in new window .

**For Students Already Enrolled at Cal State Fullerton

Steps to Take:

For those students already enrolled at CSUF who are wishing to audition for the B.A. in Dance, you MUST complete the Supplemental Dance Application and select an audition dateOpens in new window  

Dance Major Audition Dates for Fall 2025 Admission:
·       Audition #1: February 8 @10:00AM
·       Audition #2 February 8, @2:00PM 
·       Audition #3 February 22 @10AM 

**Out of State Applicants

Although we highly encourage in-person auditions, out-of-state applicants may submit an audition video. For Fall semester admission, the audition video link must be submitted by February 22nd.

Steps to Take:
To submit a video audition please review the following page for the video criteria:

·       Criteria for Video AuditionOpens in new window
Once you complete your video and the link is ready, complete the Supplemental Dance Application and submit your link using the hyperlink that follows: submit your video linkOpens in new window

Additional Information

Admittance into the Department of Dance programs (Bachelor of Arts in Dance,) includes applying to CSU, Fullerton and passing a live dance audition. 

The Dance Audition will take place in Clayes Performing Arts Center (CPAC) in Studio 272.  Park in the Nutwood Parking Structure on campus at the corner of Nutwood and State College, parking is free on Saturdays.

The audition process consists of a Modern/Contemporary warm-up and across the floor phrase work, Ballet Center, and a scripted Improvisation. Registration and check-in will take place one hour before the audition begins. 

Upon the Dance Program receiving your supplemental application and your selected audition date, you will be notified by email confirming your audition date. We will do our best to accommodate your first-choice audition date. 

For more information, please contact Alvin Rangel-Alvarado, Dance Program Director

***Your admission into the B.A. in Dance is contingent on passing a live audition and acceptance to CSU Fullerton.

Important Information:

Undergraduate StudentsOpens in new window
Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor’s DegreeOpens in new window
Transfer Eligibility RequirementsOpens in new window
Dance Program Prospective Student ResourceOpens in new window
Financial Aid OfficeOpens in new window
Housing and Residential EngagementOpens in new window
Admission Next StepsOpens in new window

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Last Published 12/2/24

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